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- Quick spreadsheet for planning and trackingMember David Hocutt shared a chart (below) that he uses to plan and track various treatments for his colonies. Now is the time to make those plans – even if they shift and adapt, depending on weather, mite counts, and observed colony health. As he said, get your stuff together!… Read more: Quick spreadsheet for planning and tracking
- Plants that support honey beesAt the February 2022 meeting, Jeanette Wiles shared wonderfully detailed and focused material on plants that support honey bees and pollinators in general. Her talk covered the entire year and included pictures for identification. If we’re allowed to do so, we’ll add a link in the future to the recording… Read more: Plants that support honey bees
- How Do Honey Bees Survive The Winter?By David Hocutt Two of the questions that I am asked frequently, especially this time of the year, are “How do honey bees survive in the winter?” “Do honey bees hibernate?” I will answer the second question first. No, honey bees do not hibernate. In fact, the bees are quite… Read more: How Do Honey Bees Survive The Winter?
- Resource from Honey Bee Health CoalitionSeveral of us from a recent meeting mentioned that we should make sure members have access to this great resource on bee health and pest management. Highly recommended! It gives a great start for new beekeepers and goes into some useful detail for those with some experience. Many thanks to… Read more: Resource from Honey Bee Health Coalition
- Supplier ListBelow is a list of some suppliers of bees and beekeeping equipment that local beekeepers find helpful. We recommend that you reach out to suppliers with specific questions, current availability, and pricing. Please keep in mind that this list is not meant to include every supplier. It’s meant as a… Read more: Supplier List
(c) Central Indiana Beekeepers Association