by jerryz | Mar 20, 2020 | Beekeeping, Colony Management
David Hocutt has received multiple inquiries from individuals concerning when to checkerboard and or super. Checker-Boarding is a hive management technique used to predispose a colony/hive toward increased honey production and decreased tendency to swarm. Frame...
by jerryz | Jan 8, 2020 | A Beekeepers' Year, Beginning, Disease, How To, Nutrition, Pests, Spring
Are your bees doing well? Have you checked on them recently? Are they alive? Do they need feeding? With a couple of warm days in early February, hopefully you have seen them flying. Checking on your Bees First some Precautions: DO NOT pull any frames from the brood...
by jerryz | Feb 2, 2019 | Beekeeping, Beginning, Resources
Are you one of many who have considered beekeeping as a hobby? The popularity of beekeeping has increased dramatically. If so you likely have many questions. To help you there are beekeeping communities in Marion and surrounding counties who are available and eager to...
by jerryz | Jan 31, 2019 | Beekeeping, Beginning, FAQs
Do you have a location for honey bees and are looking for a beekeeper to place a beehive there? Or perhaps you a beekeeper who is looking for a location to place your honey bee colony. Often we receive inquires such as this “I have a great location for honey bees, BUT...
by jerryz | May 5, 2017 | Advanced, Behavior, Colony Management, FAQs, How To, Spring, Summer
Honey Bees Swarm in Spring and Early Summer: April, May, June, July Swarms may be on branches, fences, furniture. almost anywhere. Fence Rail Chain Link Fence Post Thin Branch of Small Tree Trash Can In Shrubry If you see a cluster of several thousand honey bees....
by David Hocutt | Feb 25, 2016 | Beekeeping, Beginning, FAQs
I Have Small Children, Can I Still Keep Honeybees? Many people have this concern. There is only one way I am able to answer this question and that is to tell you about my children. I have two children currently living at home, Courtney who is now eleven and...