by admin-ciba | Mar 11, 2021 | A Beekeepers' Year, Beginning, How To, Spring
My bees have survived the winter! – Yea! What should I be doing for them now? If you are a new beekeeper – Congratulation! 🎉 It is common for new beekeepers to lose their overwintered colonies. – Don’t despair. Even experienced beekeepers lose...
by jerryz | Feb 8, 2021 | Beekeeping, Beginning
So, you have decided to give it a try! What’s Next? – Quite a bit actually. This list will touch on decisions you will be making. Becoming a beekeeper involves several decisions. Is your location suitable for honey-bee colonies?Are you prepared to take on...
by admin-ciba | Jan 31, 2021 | A Beekeepers' Year, Beginning, Fall, Resources, Spring, Summer, Winter
Cornell University’s Master Beekeeping Program has a number of valuable resources. Visit their Beekeeping Resources Page. Included is a very informative Beekeeping Year Calendar page, and a also available PDF here for offline reference. Though it’s written...
by jerryz | Jan 18, 2021 | Beekeeping, Beginning
Can we suggest a good book for Beginning Beekeepers? This is a frequently asked question. First Lessons in Beekeeping would be a good choice. 😃 While there are any number of good books on books on beekeeping, this one is straightforward, sticks to the basics and is...
by jerryz | Jan 10, 2021 | A Beekeepers' Year, Beginning, Disease, How To, Nutrition, Pests, Spring
There several things beekeepers can do to help your bees, promote healthy colonies and increase likelihood of a good honey crop. (See also the post, Dealing With Deadouts). Here is an Early Spring Basic Check List Check hive status and healthTend to surviving...
by jerryz | Mar 23, 2020 | A Beekeepers' Year, Advanced, Beginning, Disease, How To, Pests, Spring
What is a deadout? These are beehives who’s colonies did not make it through the winter. When you look inside it may look quite “ugly” and certainly discouraging. Many newer beekeepers assume that everything – boxes, frames, foundation –...