At the February 2022 meeting, Jeanette Wiles shared wonderfully detailed and focused material on plants that support honey bees and pollinators in general. Her talk covered the entire year and included pictures for identification. If we’re allowed to do so, we’ll add a link in the future to the recording here.
In the meantime, here’s a resource shared by member Tim Caldwell that takes a slightly different approach. This is a list of plants he compiled from the book Garden Plants for Honeybees by Peter Lindtner (buy the book here). Each plant is rated by pollen and nectar quality, 1-5 stars for each attribute. To make this particular list, the plants had to have a score of at least 5 out of 10 possible and and have a bloom cycle of July-Nov. [Editor’s note: Jeremy is getting this info into a sortable spreadsheet, so check back in a few days if that format is preferred.]
Here’s the PDF (below)